Juliette Binoche francoska igralka
Juliette Binoche francoska igralka

Resnica - v kinu 2019 (Maj 2024)

Resnica - v kinu 2019 (Maj 2024)

Juliette Binoche (rojena 9. marca 1964, Pariz, Francija), francoska igralka, je bila splošno priznana kot ena izmed najbolj cenjenih izvajalk filma zaradi inteligence, ki jo je prinesla do svojih zapletenih in raznolikih vlog.


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Binochejev oče je bil kipar in gledališki režiser, mati pa učiteljica in igralka. Po končani splošni izobrazbi je Binoche študirala igranje na pariškem konservatoriju in zasebno poučevanje dobila od Vere Gregh, priznane učiteljice filmskega igranja. V poznih sedemdesetih letih se je pojavila na odru v Parizu, v prvi polovici osemdesetih pa je igrala v majhnih filmskih vlogah in na francoski televiziji. Njen prvi preboj je prišel prek priznanega režiserja Jean-Luca Godarda, ki je v scenarij svoje knjige Je vous salue Marie (1985; Hail Mary) izrecno napisal del zanjo.

Leta 1986 je Binoche prejel nagrado Romyja Schneiderja, ki so jo francoski novinarji podelili izjemni igralki leta, za upodobitev Nine, provincialke, ki si želi postati igralka v Parizu, v filmu Rendez-vous (1985) Andréja Téchinéja (1985). S francoskim režiserjem Léosom Caraxom je posnela dva filma, Mauvais je pel (1986; Slaba kri) in Les Amants du Pont-Neuf (1991; Zaljubljenci na Pont-Neuf) v naslednjih nekaj letih. Leta 1988 si je svetovno priznanje prislužila kot ženska, poročena s filanderom v filmu "Neznosna lahkost bivanja", njenem prvem angleškem jeziku. Predstava Binoche je bila poudarjena s sposobnostjo povezovanja različnih čustev, ne da bi govoril ali padel v kliše.

Binoche experienced a great deal of success in the United States throughout the 1990s and 2000s. She won an Academy Award for best supporting actress for her portrayal of Hana, a French Canadian nurse stationed in Italy during World War II, in The English Patient (1996). She starred in the successful romantic comedy Chocolat (2000), playing opposite Johnny Depp, and later appeared in both French- and English-language films, including the thriller Caché (2005; Hidden), the family dramas Bee Season (2005) and L’Heure d’été (2008; Summer Hours), and the comedy Dan in Real Life (2007).

Additionally, Binoche made a cameo in the experimental film Shīrīn (2008) and starred in the romantic drama Copie conforme (2010; Certified Copy), both of which were directed by Iranian filmmaker Abbas Kiarostami. She later portrayed journalists in both the action thriller The Son of No One (2011) and the drama Elles (2011). Binoche had supporting roles in David Cronenberg’s Cosmopolis (2012), the action remake Godzilla (2014), and The 33 (2015), which was based on the Chile mine rescue of 2010. She starred opposite Clive Owen as an artist and teacher afflicted by rheumatoid arthritis in the romance Words and Pictures (2013); the film featured scenes of her painting in real time, showcasing her skills as an artist.

Binoche received particularly favourable notices for her performance in Clouds of Sils Maria (2014), in which she portrayed an actress who is asked to appear in a restaging of the play that made her famous, this time as the elder of the two women around whose romantic entanglement the drama centres. She later played a divorced artist and mother in Claire Denis’s Un beau soleil intérieur (2017; Let the Sunshine In). Binoche’s subsequent films included Doubles vies (2018; Non-Fiction), a dramedy set in the publishing world; Celle que vous croyez (2019; Who You Think I Am), in which a middle-aged professor pretends to be a younger woman on social media; and La bonne épouse (2020; How to Be a Good Wife), a satire about the patriarchy in 1960s France.